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SP Elaborazioni Dati scarl is a service company that has been collaborating with Studio Palombini for years, specializing in the provision of professional services in the field of administrative and accounting management, both in terms of outsourcing and operational support.


The company offers customers the opportunity to have a personalized, efficient and timely service for what concerns the keeping of mandatory accounting records and related obligations.

In particular, SP Elaborazioni Dati scarl offers the following services:

  • Ordinary and simplified accounting

  • Accounting data processing

  • VAT settlement

  • Withholding tax processing and management

  • Asset management and depreciation

  • Customer and supplier schedules

  • Keeping mandatory accounting and corporate books

  • Preparation of periodic and annual audit reports


Address Via Francesco Denza, 20 - 00197 Rome

VAT number and CF 15848401004

Telephone 06/8077327




MG Lavoro is a service company that, through its professionals, offers assistance services in personnel management.


In particular, the activities carried out concern:

  • Payroll processing

  • Analysis and study of the most appropriate type of contract, with particular attention to the possibility of applying benefits of a contributory, contractual and tax nature

  • Assistance in the drafting of self-employment and occasional contracts

  • Assistance in the drafting of quasi-subordinate employment contracts: project contracts, coordinated and continuous collaboration contracts, partnership agreements, etc.

  • Assistance and advice on the imposition of disciplinary measures (warnings, disputes, etc.)

  • Assistance during inspection visits

  • Assistance with social security and welfare bodies, Provincial Labor Directorate; Revenue Agency and Revenue Collection Agency

  • Assistance in social security and insurance disputes

  • Assistance in relations with trade unions

  • Advice and assistance in individual and collective dismissal procedures

  • Assistance at the Chambers of Labor, Conciliation Commissions and in arbitration

  • Assistance in trade union disputes

  • Advice and assistance in the matter of business transfer: sale - purchase of a business branch, etc.

  • Assistance in corporate crisis phases: feasibility study relating to mobility procedures, multiple and collective individual dismissals, access to the redundancy fund, etc.


Address Via Francesco Denza, 20 - 00197 Rome

Telephone  06/8076174




EDT is a service company established within Studio Palombini, with the main purpose of responding to the telematic needs connected to tax obligations. She is authorized to serve as a Fiscal Intermediary pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 241 of 09 July 1997.


Center for the collection and communication of tax data, EDT carries out the activity of Person in Charge for the electronic transmission of the declarations and communication models to the Revenue Agency and other competent offices, in compliance with the legislative provisions in force.

Highly technological structure, it provides the Firm's customers, in addition to telematic services, also those connected to the telematic management of assets (registration of lease agreements, free loans, updating cadastral data, etc.) and can, on request, carry out surveys and updates of the data in the register of companies and chambers of commerce.

He is the person in charge of the National CAF of Labor Consultants and, as such, can carry out operations for the collection and / or communication of model declarations 730, ISEE, RED, etc.


Address Via Francesco Denza, 20 - 00197 Rome

VAT number and CF 08112591006

Telephone  06/80912221




Lo  Palombini - Rosa   is an association of professionals able to offer a wide range of legal and tax services, ranging from assistance contractual and litigation, labor law consultancy and the management of relationships between companies, customers and suppliers, including the compulsory collection of credits.


Its professionals are authorized to practice before both civil and tax courts, in every state and degree, as well as at the Supreme Court of Cassation.

With proven experience, the Studio Associato has been assisting its customers for decades, supporting them in disputes both of a fiscal and corporate nature, and also in matters of labor and social security, dialoguing with the counterparties and the bodies in charge (Revenue Agency, Land Agency , Municipalities, INPS, INAIL, etc.)

For years it has been working in collaboration with national and international law and tax firms of primary importance for specific issues, also offering domiciliation services at the Supreme Court of Cassation.

With decades of experience, he can assist clients in the preparation and drafting of corporate deeds, private deeds and public deeds, also in collaboration with notaries outside the firm.

Its associates are authors of publications in specialist journals in the sector.


Address Via Francesco Denza, 20 - 00197 Rome

VAT number and CF 10861621000

Telephone  06/80691584


Studio assocato


R&R Studio Legale e Tributario is an independent professional association, founded by the lawyers Massimiliano Russo and Sergio Russo and which makes use of the activity of about 30 professionals in the offices of Rome, Milan and Palermo.


R&R carries out its activities mainly in the fields of tax, corporate, banking and bankruptcy and crisis procedures for companies.

For over 20 years, the founding members have assisted funds, banks, multinational companies and individuals in their business sectors, guaranteeing success and anonymity.

Thanks to partnership agreements with US law firms, the firm is also operational at the New York and Miami offices.

The founders and associates are also active in academic activities and publish in national and international journals in their sectors of activity.


Address Via Francesco Denza, 20 - 00197 Rome

VAT number and CF 13317701004

Telephone  06/80912201



Via Francesco Denza, 20

00197 Rome RM




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